Italian vocabulary for English speakers – 5000 words

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T&P BOOKS VOCABULARIES are intended to help you learn, memorize and review foreign words. This bilingual dictionary contains over 5000 commonly used words arranged thematically. THIS REVISED EDITION INCLUDES 155 TOPICS: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation and more …

SKU: 978-1-78071-115-7 Categories: English AM Collection, Italian


T&P BOOKS VOCABULARIES are intended to help you learn, memorize and review foreign words. This bilingual dictionary contains over 5000 commonly used words arranged thematically.

THIS REVISED EDITION INDCLUDES 155 TOPICS: Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing & Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Human body, Medicine, Furniture, Household appliances, The Earth, Weather, Natural disasters, Fauna, Wild animals, Countries of the world and more …

SPECIAL FEATURES OF T&P BOOKS BILINGUAL VOCABULARIES: words are arranged according to their meaning, not alphabetically. Content is presented in three columns to facilitate the reviewing and self-testing processes. Each theme is composed of small blocks of similar lexical units. The vocabulary offers a convenient and simple transcription for each foreign word.